ASTORIA, The new Baroque Time Voices conducted by Philippe Gérard & Eguimodanz
- Astor Piazzolla
Concierto para quinteto, milonga en ay Menor, Soledad, Oblivion,
- Martin Palméri
« MisaTango » ( Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
In 2021, ASTORIA celebrates Astor Piazzolla's 100th birthday with the release of his 7th album (Antarctica records). The ensemble also records Martín Palmeri's MisaTango with The New Baroque Times Voices (conducted by Philippe Gérard). “MisaTango" or "Misa in Buenos Aires" was initially not that known but gained great notoriety when it was performed in Rome in October 2013 at the International Festival of Sacred Music in the Vatican. It was chosen that year to pay homage to the enthronement of the former Cardinal of Buenos Aires who became Pope Francis. MisaTango is a daring blend of sacred music and tango that will plunge you into a world of intense emotions, passion and syncopated rhythms.
Practical information
Henry Le Boeuf Hall
Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELSProduction