Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

‘The Art of Difference’

20 June →
26 Aug.'18

Scientific Responses to Disability, Appropriations and Individual Expertise Through Art

The Université libre de Bruxelles, in partnership with BOZAR and in collaboration with the ULB and VUB research centres, is proud to present the exhibition, The Art of Difference, a scientific, historical and artistic exhibition about disability. 
Thanks to new technologies, research into sensorial, physical and mental handicap has led to many new inventions. These innovations have undoubtedly improved the day-to-day life of people suffering handicaps and those caring for them. However, they have also ignited many discussions around the augmented humans and transhumanism – a debate that is also addressed and challenged by artists through their work.


Practical information



Rue Ravensteinstraat, 23 1000 Brussels

Tue - Sun, 10 am - 6 pm
Thu, 10 am - 9 pm (between July 19th and August 16th: 10:00 - 18:00)
Closed on Monday


Guided tours

Language: French, Dutch, Langue des signes francophone de Belgique (LSBF)

Price: € 150 - € 100 / Free for ASBL and schools

Info & booking via culture@ulb.ac.be of +32 2 650 37 65