‘Aqua Musica for schools’

26 Nov.'19

Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège & Jeugd en Muziek Brussel

Primary education (4th to 6th year)

This interactive concert with the Liège Royal Philharmonic tells the tale of a drop of water that sets off on an adventure, from the source to the sea by way of calm waters and wild oceans until it reaches its final destination: a new world. Throughout the concert, artist Pieter Fannes paints watercolours that are projected live on the screen. Water, a common inspiration for composers, becomes a beautiful metaphor for the emotions felt through music but also the journey from childhood to adulthood.


The pupils will be able to:

  • Associate musical notes with emotions through the metaphor of water
  • Experience intense emotions as part of a group
  • Acquaint themselves with an orchestra in a large concert hall
Jonas Ehrler
Pieter Fannes
live illustrations
Jeugd En Muziek Brussel
concept & realisation

Practical information



Primary Education

Price​: € 6 per student + 1 teacher free per 15 students
Info: +32 2 507 83 36 - groups@bozar.be