‘Annual concert of the Royal Symphonic band of the Belgian Guides’

3 Dec.'19
- 20:00

On the occasion of the Celebration of the King and this year in honour of the 18th birthday of H.R.H. Princess Elisabeth

At this concert you will also appreciate the interventions of the European Union Choir performing two excerpts from Offenbach operettas and several Opera choirs from Giuseppe Verdi. You will also be enchanted by the talent of Pauline van der Rest, a Young Belgian violinist with already a brilliant honors list.
We all know this band and its trumpeter corps with an impressive history, its unique musical qualities and rightly international fame. Next to its major role at official and military ceremonies, including the National Day pageant, the Guides Band plays numerous concerts in Belgium and abroad, often performing Belgian composers. The Guides Band also frequently accompanies renowned soloists, including prizewinners of the International Queen Elisabeth Music Contest.

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Dress code in Cat I: civilian or military city dress (evening dress is appreciated)