‘Alain Badiou on The True Life’

10 May'19
- 20:00

Why the youth must be corrupted

Young people are facing a new world. Now that the importance of old traditions and hierarchies is on the wane, the possibilities seem endless. Young people must become aware of this new situation and find the strength to exploit their freedom together. The Greek philosopher Socrates was once accused of corrupting the youth. If philosophy can do that, it must be able to encourage young people to move away from the well-trodden paths and explore new routes. Away from the empty market ideology or the nostalgia for old gods and inequalities, in search of true life.
In his new book The True Life. Why the youth must be corrupted, the eighty-one-year-old Alain Badiou makes a passionate plea addressed to the youth. In three chapters, he calls for egalitarianism and universalism.

At BOZAR, Alain Badiou will have a conversation with Laurent de Sutter.

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French
  • Subtitles: Dutch