‘About Balconies & Utopias’

19 Feb.'19
- 19:00

A new story for Europe

November 10th, 2018: 30.000 artists gather together on balconies all over Europe for the proclamation of the European Republic and to read out the short manifesto of The European Balcony Project, initiated by Ulrike Guérot, Robert Menasse and Milo Rau: Europe is not about integrating states, but about uniting people! Pure utopia or the beginning of a new history for Europe? Can our story be rewritten by the European elections 2019?

Under the motto MyEurope – MyStory the Austrian Embassy Brussels, the Club Alpbach Brussels and the European Forum Alpbach are inviting to an interactive discussion to bring together young European thinkers with politics in order to open a discourse about the future of the EU. The question of the evening is: What’s your story for Europe?

On stage: Ulrike Guérot (European Democracy Lab), Milo Rau (theatre director of NTGent), Markus Ferber (Member of the European Parliament) and Annamária Tóth (European Forum Alpbach) as well as a free seat for everyone who would like to share his utopian vision for Europe.
Moderator: Tim Cupal (ORF Brussels)

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