‘din Kabul la Bamako (From Kabul to Bamako)’

17 Juni'19
- 20:15

From Kabul to Bamako, a theatre, music, art and fashion performance

Closing event of the International Colloquium « Culture for the Future », an initiative of the European Commission

This performance will combine the performative nature of theatre, music and the artistic nature of fashion to inspire its audience to remember that all of us – no matter what colour or country of origin - have something in common: our journey as human kind started when the world was an immense map without any borders.

Creative Director : Clara Bauer
Texts: Atiq Rahimi, Rumi and Edoardo Galeano
Actors include Pitcho and Kali Srinivasan
Musical Director: Saïd Assadi
Ensemble Kabul
Arat Kilo
Mamani Keita
Alireza Ghorbani
Costumes by Ethical Fashion Initiative artisans in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso and Mali
Production :
European Commission 
Ethical Fashion Initiative



Henry Le Boeufzaal

Ravensteinstraat 23 1000 BRUSSEL

Vrije toegang