Evens Foundation

‘TheARTbeat of Europe - artway of thinking’

1 Déc.'17
- 10:00

Exposition & Performance

artway of thinking is the name of a contemporary art research developed by two artists, Stefania Mantovani and Federica Thiene. It is a multidisciplinary group that activates collaborations with administrative authorities, companies and professionals.


The following text reflects the vision of the artists themselves, the language reflects the spirit of the artway of thinking collective and the artists vision of TheARTbeat of Europe, in their own words.


TheArtbeat of Europe is the experiential narration that artway of thinking is sharing in Bozar.


It is an encounter with the Co-Creation Methodology, a 25-year research that artway of thinking has been experiencing with worldwide communities, where the multidisciplinary group has studied and experimented the paradigm of co- (co-working, sharing, community, collaborating, co-creating, collective, coexisting). Learning that co-create, create together, is in primis a gesture of self-awareness, then a recognition that the other is part of us and finally a consciousness that in any action we need to find sustainable and harmonic dialogue between self, group (communities) and environment.


We believe that the responsibility of artists is to act with awareness to produce and inspire responsible changes in ourselves, in personal relationships and in society. Making art for us is the natural way in which we create relationships in the world ; and also where we build life experiences for us and for others.


To experience all of this, the narration of TheARTbeat of Europe will involve the audience in a participatory aesthetic experience in which Empathy will be the dimension to explore.


1rst session : 11:00 > 12:00
2nd session : 14:00 > 15:00
3rd session : 17:00 > 18:00

artway of thinking is the 2015 Evens Arts Prize laureate.

Informations pratiques


Salle des Vitraux
