‘European Lab Brussels: Radio Lab’

28 Sept.'18
- 14:00

Day 2

14:00 - 15:00: An architecture for Europe
Europe has also become a political space, it is armed with its own shared institutions and symbols. And even a ‘European district’ located in Brussels, struggling to embody the ideal of a democratic, supranational Europe. In Eurotopie, the Traumnovelle collective explore this particular dimension of the European project and suggest that we redefine the architecture of this political space, in order to simultaneously reinforce our sense of belonging and inject it with fresh democratic zeal.
With Lieven De Boeck (XDGA, BE), Cédric Libert (CIVA, BE) and An Fonteyne. Moderator: Dennis Pohl (UdK University, DE)

15:05 - 15:55 Bruxelles arrive. Now what?
The Brussels hip hop scene has suddenly landed in the spotlight. All of a sudden, questions about the money made by its leading figures are no longer phrased in the same terms. The impact of this upturn in fortunes has been considerable for everyone on the scene, from artists (whether established or emerging) to those involved on the ground. With a little expert help from Belgian media platform Check, we wonder what will become of this scene and what opportunities and risks have been created by this unprecedented hype.
With Jeanne Mouffe (Check, BE), Benoît Quittelier (Future Art Movement, BE), Phil "Fourmi" (Philone) (Zulu Nation, BE) and ICO (Artiste, BE). Moderator: Martin Vachiery (Check, BE)

16:00 - 16:55: Which media for Europe?
Like language or currency, the media can be an effective tool in the construction of collective awareness and identity. Yet European editorial projects are still few and far between. How can the development of new transnational media contribute to the invention of a new European citizenship?
With Catherine André (VoxEurop, FR), Marta Cillero (European Alternatives, IT) and Matthieu Amaré (Cafébabel, FR). Moderator : Quentin Ariès (Cafébabel, Washington Post, BE)

17:00 - 18:00: Meet & Greet: STARTS Talks
For the first time, two creative European gatherings are joining forces at European Lab Brussels. On the one hand, STARTS Talks, a series of discussions built around the presentations of projects combining science, technology and art. On the other hand, Meet & Greet, the Lyon-based meetings that give creative entrepreneurs, economic actors and members of the public the opportunity to share ideas, projects and collaborations.
With Alexandre Pólvora (Policy Analist, PT), Simon Parlange (Mirage Festival, FR), Thomas van Glabeke (Amsterdams' 3D Printed Steel Bridge, NL) and Amélie Fesquet Saniel (AADN, FR)

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